On June 27, 2023, the Canadian government made an exciting announcement, officially banning the testing of cosmetic products on animals within the country. The passing of Bill C-47, known as the Budget Implementation Act, 2023, No. 1, resulted in an amendment to the Food and Drugs Act (FDA), effectively implementing a nationwide prohibition on cosmetic animal testing.
Although it’s worth noting that animal testing is now virtually non-existent in the Canadian cosmetics sector, it remains significant for Canada to join the ranks of over 40 countries that have implemented similar bans, as reported by Cosmetic Alliance Canada. Furthermore, as part of the recent modernization of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), approved by Parliament this month, Canada has prioritized the direction for Canadian regulators to adopt and advance non-animal testing methods.
Beyond the realm of cosmetics, Health Canada is actively collaborating with the international scientific and regulatory communities to develop, validate, and implement effective alternatives to animal testing.