6th CMR Omnibus Draft Notified to WTO
The EU Commission notified to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) the draft legislation for the…
5th CMR Omnibus Regulation Published
On 16 September 2022, 5TH CMR Omnibus regulation (Regulation 2022/1531 ( ) was published by…
Upcoming EU cosmetic ingredient bans and restrictions
Upcoming bans: Ingredient Deadline for placing on the market Deadline for making available on…
Upcoming UK cosmetic ingredient bans and restrictions
Upcoming bans Ingredient Deadline for placing on the market Deadline for making available on the…
EU cosmetics regulation annex VI updates
On July 8, 2022, the EU Commission published Regulation 2022/1176 amending Annex VI of the…
EU labelling change for formaldehyde-releasing preservatives
The EU Commission published Regulation 2022/1181 on the labelling requirements for cosmetics products containing formaldehyde-releasing…
France Triman sorting legislation
Article 17 of the French AGEC Law and its implementing decree (no. 2021-835 of 29…
Methyl-N-methylanthranilate addition to Annex III and SCCS opinion on 4-Methylbenzylidene Camphor
As we already mentioned in our regulatory update last week, Methyl-N-methylanthranilate has now officially been added to Annex…
Updates to the EU and UK annexes, including BHT, resorcinol, acid yellow 3…
1) Updates to the Annexes of the EU Cosmetics Regulation Notified to WTO: Following changes are…
Upcoming EU cosmetic ingredient bans and restrictions for 2023 and beyond
Future changes (2023+): Upcoming bans (specifics not known yet): Ingredient Deadline for placing on…
2022 Upcoming EU cosmetic ingredient bans and restrictions
Upcoming changes in 2022: – bans: Ingredient Deadline for placing on the market…
New SCCS opinion on methyl salicylate
The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) released final opinion on Methyl Salicylate (methyl 2-hydroxybenzoate)….
The EU Commission extends the list of CMR chemicals in cosmetics
The EU Commission (EC) has added 23 chemicals to its list of substances that are…
Extended transition period to label the UKCA Mark
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) has given an extra year of transition…
EU marking requirements for wet wipes (updated)
Following publication of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2151 last year, the EU Commission published Commission…